Read About Theresa’s Return-to-Work Story – Testimonials

Project Manager/Business Analyst Fidelity Investments

A Skills Reboot

“I participated in the first cohort session and then was placed in a position at a dynamic company. I’m thrilled to be back in the workforce, and I highly recommend reacHIRE to women looking for a comprehensive program to re-start their careers.”

My original plan was to return to work after nine months staying home with my newborn, but I loved being with my son and over time didn’t feel a need to rush back. Soon I became involved in our community preschool as a board member and other leadership roles. Time passed quickly, and the next thing I knew, my son was entering elementary school.

Once he started school, I began to seriously consider going back into the workforce. My son was well on his way to more independence, my family needed to focus on our finances, and I was eager to get back to an engaging work environment.

I chose reacHIRE after my attempts to re-enter the workforce proved to be much more difficult than I had anticipated. The workplace had changed; job requirements were different, software tools more advanced, and my networking and interview skills were rusty. After attending a back-to-work conference, I learned about reacHIRE. reacHIRE was the only organization I found that specialized in preparing women to re-enter the workforce, and they offered a comprehensive program culminating in a temporary job placement. The program emphasized the importance of peer support through the cohort groups, with career experts on-hand to lead the sessions and provide support.

“I participated in the first cohort session and then was placed in a position at a dynamic company. I’m thrilled to be back in the workforce, and I highly recommend reacHIRE to women looking for a comprehensive program to re-start their careers.”

My part-time temporary placement with Fidelity Investments through reacHIRE was just the opportunity I needed, and I was able to turn it into a permanent position at the company. I will soon celebrate my fourth year at Fidelity as a Project Manager/Sr. Business Analyst in the cybersecurity group. I’ve learned a tremendous amount about cybersecurity and the financial investment industry (new areas for me) and continue to tackle different projects that ultimately help make the firm more secure. It is a fast-paced environment that always brings new and exciting challenges and changes. Home life is hectic, and my son is now a 10 year old moving into the 5th grade. Our next challenge — middle school.

I plan to continue to grow in my career and am fortunate to work for a company that encourages employees to explore any opportunities that are of interest. My re-launch has taught me current, marketable skills that I use in my current position and any role that comes after. I’m also focused on home life and look to successfully launch my son into college in eight short years.

I highly recommend reacHIRE as an exceptional resource for women looking to re-enter the workforce. reacHIRE provides a roadmap for women to go from thinking about re-entry to landing that first assignment. They offer the whole package. The vision that Addie Schwartz put forth back in 2013 when I was part of the very first cohort is coming to fruition as reacHIRE sends more and more qualified women back into the workforce. And the program continues to give back in terms of the personal connections I made in my cohort. I still see women from that first session, as several also work at Fidelity. We often meet up to discuss work and home life and bounce ideas, challenges and successes off of each other. And so, the program offers valuable benefits far past the end of the formal sessions and initial project assignment. Thank you reacHIRE!