High Tech: Data Analytics Software Company

Our client develops insight-based solutions that help consumer companies better reach customers and businesses and healthcare organizations better manage supply chains. The company has more than 30 offices across North America.

The company wants to increase diversity within their workforce, and the reacHIRE Returnship program has been championed and endorsed by senior leadership within the engineering department and talent acquisition, seeking an innovative approach to fuel diverse talent pipelines. 

reacHIRE sources, vets, and interviews candidates looking to return to the workforce after a significant career break, leveraging our experience in assessing who will be a successful returner. A reacHIRE Program Manager provides ongoing support to the candidates as they interview with hiring managers, onboard, and complete assignments as part of their 6-month Returnships. 

The Results

The company has now completed two recruiting cohorts with reacHIRE focused on engineering and technology. 

  • 100% of the participants in the cohorts were offered full-time positions
  • 100% of the people hired were women, and 50% of them were people of color
  • 50% held master’s degrees or higher
  • 90% of participants reported that they were highly satisfied with the program


Get Started Today

Through team-based Returnship programs tailored to meet a company’s culture and business needs, reacHIRE delivers the highest success and retention rate of any Return-to-Work program. For over a decade, reacHIRE has been helping leading companies across industries find, support, motivate and retain female talent and build more diverse work environments.
