This Mother’s Day 2020 We’re Celebrating Working Mothers

This Mother’s Day 2020 we’re celebrating the working moms who worked so hard to make us the passionate professionals we are today. At reacHIRE, we know how difficult it is to wear many hats, especially right now. These unusual times require resilience, dedication, empathy and an incredible work ethic – all the things our working mothers taught us.
Studies show that the daughters of working mothers complete more years of education, are more likely to be employed in supervisory roles and earn higher incomes. Put simply: daughters of working mothers thrive. And the sons? They are more likely to spend more time on child care and homework. Win. Win.
And yet, working mothers sometimes question if having a career is a good thing for their family.
Former C-suite executive and Wall Street veteran Pamela Lenehan was so interested in understanding the impact of working mothers on their children that she convened a team to conduct a groundbreaking survey on the lives of working mothers’ children to see how they fared. The results showed that a mother’s career enhances her children’s lives, not hinders it.
Lenehans book My Mother My Mentor is filled with real life stories and testimonies from children and mothers, and tips and strategies for managing busy families.
In the spirit of celebrating the power of women to lead and nurture, here are just a few stories of the working mothers who’ve helped make reacHIRE women stronger. Thank you for helping us thrive and rise!
Olivia, Program Manager
My working mother taught me that women can be powerful in the business world. As a working mother, I hope my children see me pursuing my passions through work and that I have an identity outside of ‘mom.’
Barbara, Business Development
My Mom and Dad instilled in us that there is honor in work — all work — but my mom instilled in me the importance of being financially independent. “Never rely on a man for money,” she said to me, pointedly. While she was happily married, and I am as well, she knew that with the ability to provide for yourself comes choice, freedom and options. For a woman of her generation, this was a novel concept!
Ariel, Program Manager
My mother taught me that I didn’t have to conform to traditional gender norms. My mom was the breadwinner, the most educated member of our family, and drove a pick-up truck, just because! She worked hard, did what made her happy and as a result of the non-traditional gender roles in our family, she taught me to be open minded about my role as a woman in society. She set the bar high, with all of her accomplishments both personal and professional and was/is my inspiration!
Alysia, Recruitment Marketing
My working mother taught me to never give up on your dreams. As a single mother raising two little girls, my mom had to balance her home responsibilities with working in the male-dominated financial sector. She had to make sure we were doing well in school, safe at home, well fed, had clothes to wear and had someone to watch us while she was at work (thank you nannies & sitters!). She had to balance her home life and not give up her dream of excelling in her career – ultimately earning her position in the c-suite. From the years of watching her through trial and triumph, she taught me that hard work and determination will always pay off. I love you mom – happy Mother’s Day!
Sarah, Talent Acquisition
As a working mother, I hope my girls see that it is possible to pursue your dreams and still have time for them each day no matter what!
My working mother taught me to never give up or lose sight of your dreams. She did not have a college education and after 10 years raising a family, decided to pursue a career outside of the home. She tried several part-time roles – and even a job at night after we’d gone to bed – to juggle responsibilities with three kids. She was persistent in her goal and after five years of trying different jobs, she found her niche in the banking industry where she loves working in client services and loans. Way to go Mom!
Sabreen, Digital Media & Content Marketing
My working mother, Dr. Nighat Haziq, taught me love, compassion and selflessness. She believed in me, and jumped in the way of every grenade life threw my way to shield me as much as possible from any further pain – even if it wounded her instead. One of the reasons I share a close bond with my colleagues today is because she taught me how to be patient with others and offer help without expecting anything in return. I owe it to her — to the woman who is a majestic alchemy of grace and passion in my heart.
We want to hear your story! What did your working mother teach you and what do you hope to pass along to your children? Share it with us and use the hashtag #reachiremoms for a chance to win a free copy of My Mother, My Mentor.
Happy Mother’s Day!