Sr Manager of Institutional Segment Marketing FidelityMeaningful Work Motivates Me
"I started my own marketing consultancy which gave me the flexibility to be a caregiver, a homeschool teacher, and lead periodic consulting projects. My experiences working with one client – a foundation that delivers impactful change to improve the quality of life for low-income family caregivers – has shown me how important it is to do meaningful work and how that motivates me."
Tell us Adrienne, how long was your career break?
Ten years
What was the reason you decided to take a career break?
After a successful career in media and entertainment marketing, I left corporate work to care for my young son and my aging parents.
What did you do during your time away from the workforce?
I started my own marketing consultancy which gave me the flexibility to be a caregiver, a homeschool teacher, and lead periodic consulting projects. My experiences working with one client – a foundation that delivers impactful change to improve the quality of life for low-income family caregivers – has shown me how important it is to do meaningful work and how that motivates me.
What skills did you acquire over your break?
My ability to multitask, plan, and problem-solve have been essential in my roles as a homemaker, mother, independent consultant and helped me transition quickly in my Resume Marketing Manager role at Fidelity Investments. Working from home as an independent consultant I needed to be self-motivated and client-focused, again more skills that have helped me transition smoothly back into the workforce. Working independently has helped me build strong relationships and partnerships with parents, teachers, clients, and my Fidelity colleagues. While being a caregiver I needed to stay on task but have the flexibility to pivot quickly which has helped me navigate the shifting and sometimes competing priorities in Fidelity’s fast-paced environment.
Why did you decide to return to work?
I missed the camaraderie and collaborative environment of working on a team. I wanted to leverage my marketing background and start a career in a new industry where I could bring my unique skill set and perspective and make an impactful difference. The reacHIRE program offered me the opportunity and supported environment to bridge what seemed like an insurmountable gap because I had left the traditional workforce for an extended period of time.
What was a highlight of your reacHIRE Experience?
The people! Getting to know a wonderful group of returners who were on the same journey with me. The incredible support system that my cohort and the reacHIRE team offered. All of the trainings, guest speakers, and tutorials. Every single part of this program and person involved helped build the foundation I needed to take the leap back into the workforce with confidence!
What was your biggest takeaway from the program?
Even after my extended time away from a corporate environment, I realized that I could still learn new things and make meaningful contributions. I discovered that building genuine relationships and being my authentic self comes naturally and is foundational to my success.
In the months since you converted to a full-time employee, what skills and learnings have you found to be the most helpful in your role?
Building strong relationships within my team and across Fidelity, always having a growth mindset, being adaptable, and learning to communicate effectively in this new (for me!) work world of Zoom meetings and Teams chats, have all helped me to successfully transition into my new marketing role.